Bristol Animal Rescue Centre

Sector Non-profit
Disciplines Strategy, Advertising

3.6K visits to

12.5% mailing list growth in just 6 weeks.

93% of participants subscribed to the mailing list, adding 600 new contacts for communication.

+18.5% average donation value increase.
+34% increase in total donation value.
+10.5% increase in regular donations

Bristol Animal Rescue is an animal welfare charity, caring for Bristol city’s pets and animals since 1887. Each year it heals, helps and re-homes over 14,000 vulnerable animals and is the largest longest standing local animal charity. Although affiliated with the RSPCA, Bristol Animal Rescue entirely relies on local support within the community to fund its vital work.

Since 2021 Bristol Animal Rescue have been one of Halo’s chosen charities and we’ve been offering our services to help support the centre, from painting murals for the charities pet sensory gardens to helping cuddle the cute kittens we’ve been on hand.

Our work
2022 marked Bristol Animal Rescue Centre’s 135th Anniversary, to mark the occasion the charity approached us to help with a marketing campaign to drive brand awareness to new audiences who wouldn’t normally engage with the charity in aid to help bring in new donations…Ka-Ching!

We wanted to create a campaign that would create a buzz, bringing Bristol businesses and the wider community together in an engaging and fun way… so we created Parkers Adventure. An interactive trail that will run across the summer period.

The trail takes you around 13 sponsored tourist attractions, where you can scan a QR code waypoint sign, allowing you to follow Parker the dog on an animated adventure around Bristol, meeting and learning about all the weird and wonderful animal characters that inhabit the destinations.

We designed, scripted and produced the 13 videos featuring different animal characters voiced by celebrities like Tony Robinson and Giuseppe Dell'Anno, as well as producing campaign assets to promote the trail.

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