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Malvern College

Sector Education
Disciplines Strategy, Visual Identity, Advertising, Naming & Narrative

Achieved full pupil enrollment for the next two academic years

Enhanced alumni engagement and increased donations

Extended Malvern College waiting list to two years

Malvern College is one of the great English independent schools. Renowned the world over, with a global footprint covering China, Tokyo and Egypt through their international schools group, Malvern remains one of the most respected names in education.

Malvern College has a rich heritage, but it’s a very competitive market. Malvern saw its brand as a little outdated, not reflective of a contemporary audience; needing to resonate with today’s students, and effectively reflect the modern outlook of the school.

Alongside a detailed competitor analysis, we completed an intensive programme of stakeholder engagement to understand the DNA and vital characteristics of the Malvern brand; interviewing leadership, faculty, parents, current students and alumni to gain a comprehensive view of what makes the school unique. From there we crafted a Brand Platform – a strategic document defining the brand and informing all creative development.

For the creative execution, we retained the original type logo and crest, but built a fresh brand design around this singular distinctive asset. From new colourways, typography and font sets, to all graphic design, art direction and copywriting we’ve delivered school prospectuses, advertising across press and digital, new web and social media assets alongside strategic brand planning.

Final report
The school has reached all student intake targets for the last two years. We’ve worked closely with Malvern’s marketing team to create a cohesive brand that is compelling, relevant, impactful and effective. We’ve also developed detailed brand guidelines and a comprehensive library of design assets for internal use.

We’re proud to be Malvern’s agency of record. Working on all aspects of the brand, including strategy, design and marketing.


"As a school with a 160-year heritage, we have a proud history but know we must adapt to an ever-changing future. Halo were the perfect partner to guide us through a brand update ensuring we remain true to our roots but also a leading choice for prospective families. Halo came to Malvern College and listened to all stakeholders. They didn’t assume and they didn’t preach. Over the years of working together they have reshaped our brand, provided us with direction and most importantly instilled the whole school (not just the Marketing Department) with the confidence to shout loudly about who we are." 
Abigail Harradine​​​​
Head of Marketing Communications

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