London Designer Outlet

Sector Retail
Disciplines Strategy, Advertising & Digital, Naming & Narrative, Motion & Film

LDO achieved its highest-ever annual sales of £99 million in 2023

Our average Cost Per Click (Traffic campaigns) is 16p; the 2024 Retail Industry benchmark is 51p ($0.65)

Prompted awareness grown from 40% to 88% in 2023

We’ve been the agency of record for London Designer Outlet (LDO) for over 5 years. Part of Quintain, the shopping centre is located under the shadows of the Wembley Stadium arches, and is one of London’s primary – and most successful - retail centres.

Initially appointed to enliven their advertising, we started by taking the brand back to its core truth of ‘Big Brands at 70% off’. Over the years the marketing had become diluted with multiple offers and propositions fighting for prominence, resulting in confused messaging. And worse, confused audiences.

Year one saw a return to striking model-led photography, fashion conscious with bags of LDO personality on display. From OOH to digital, social and experiential we quickly established what LDO means, and how it communicates.

Brand evolution
With the brand reset working, and the advertising becoming effective again, we started the process of defining the future opportunities and direction for LDO. This naturally began with extensive, primary audience research. With deep and extensive data to support us, we identified key target audiences, going way beyond cursory pen portraits, to paint vivid, human pictures of who we’re trying to reach. And how we can best serve them.

The culmination of 12 months of strategic research and planning led to the defining ‘Experience Together’ brand proposition. An idea that runs through every aspect of the business, into the customer (we call them guests) experience itself.

The strategy has informed in-centre experiential events, omni-channel advertising, B2B brand recruitment, alongside every possible touchpoint of the brand’s marketing.

Commercial creativity
We create key multi-channel campaigns for Autumn/ Winter and Spring/Summer, including special seasonal and cultural moments when we can have a significant impact. From high profile outdoor to programmatic digital, radio and VOD, alongside ‘always on’ paid social and in-centre promotion, we handle it all with (ahem) style.

Working incredibly closely and collaboratively with LDO’s marketing team, we enjoy having a client team so creatively involved. Willing to try new and interesting ideas, having fun with the brand and being playful. Together, we’ve created a relationship based on trust – and at times – brutal honesty. The only goal is to do the best, most effective work.

5+ years in one case study can’t be done
And we won’t even try. But take a look through the work, you’ll see a brand that’s evolved, but knows itself better than ever. You’ll see a brand that’s creative and fun, bold and brave. You’ll find a brand that’s gone from strength to strength. Bucking every high street downward trend; proving that people still love a little retail therapy.

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