
Great brands challenge convention, disrupt industries and change behaviours. From household names to ambitious start-ups, we help brands to cut through the noise in a deafening world.

We work with leaders who want to define and redefine their businesses, answering strategic and commercial questions with intelligent insight and bold creativity.

Our clients are global.
You can find us in Bristol.

Developing emergent strategies to help businesses make better decisions, supporting brands for long term growth.

We work with you to define a clear approach that gives you the best opportunity to succeed, create and craft ways in which you will resonate with your audiences - shaped by meaning, inspiring interest, action and affiliation.

Crafting meaningful narratives, connecting brands to their audiences with original, compelling ideas.

We live in the attention economy, but attention is limited, and it’s never given for free, so you need to grab it. Be distinctive, noticed and remembered. Applying creativity to every touchpoint, every interaction & every moment.

Creating desire through creative experiences, we shape distinctive and memorable brands designed for impact.

Halo’s multi-disciplinary studio works across all sectors and brand touchpoints, through visual identity, packaging, advertising, digital, motion, film and built environment. Focused on expanding the brand experience and elevating distinctive assets.

B Corp We’re proud to be part of a global community focused on creating a sustainable, fair and equitable society.

We want to make original, effective work, support meaningful careers and forge strong, productive relationships with partners, suppliers and our local community. Having a positive impact on the world, wherever we can.

As one of the first 1000 UK B Corp’s we’re counted among the vanguard businesses that are leading a global movement for an inclusive and regenerative economy.

Download our impact statement